I found a post today from one of my mostest favorite bloggers, Danielle LaPorte about one of my other bestest favorites, Gwen Bell. At first I thought my Google Reader was bugging out. And then I thought, of course, this makes sense that they are connected. I don't know how they connected, but I'm not surprised. Greatness is magnetic. These women vibrate so cleanly in their frequency, how could they not find each other? I think Danielle Laporte once called it 'acidic'. Truth is acidic, sharp, precise. It cuts to the chase, to the bone, to the quick. Can you feel what I'm saying? I mean it, can you feel it? The sharpness of it, the cleanness of it. You feel it when you've stumbled onto your truth, maybe just for a split second, maybe you're lucky enough to hold it for sixty whole, luscious, timeless seconds, and you live all of your years in that one minute. I see it, I've felt it, I know how to get to it. I avoid it, but I know how to get there.
This is my raw truth today, Gwen Bell.
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