Today is the birthday of a very good friend of mine. Of the hundred's of stellar things I could say about my friend, in particular, I love how girly she is. She masterfully balances grace, femininity, strength, and sophistication. She is a good, old-fashioned, top-notch girly-girl.
In honor of my glamorous gal, I have included the directions for 'How To Make Your Own Lip Gloss' from The Girls Book: How To Be The Best At Everything, by Juliana Foster.
1. Put a tablespoon of petroleum jelly in a microwaveable container. Heat it on low for 30 seconds to soften it.
2. Place a teaspoon of hot water into a bowl. Add some raspberry or strawberry-flavored powdered drink mix, a tiny amount at a time, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick.
3. Add the colored water to the petroleum jelly one drop at a time, until you get the color you want.
4. Pour the mixture into a small, clean cup and allow it to cool.
*NOTE: For a clear gloss, I replace step 2 with essential oils such as rosemary, or a combination of sweet orange and a touch of peppermint.
Pucker up!
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