I wish some really talented person at Kraft foods would design a more friendly graham cracker package. Something for instance that doesn't require a knife, scissors, possibly some bandages, and several broken crackers to open. But sadly, Kraft would probably never pay that talented person to do such a thing.
Graham Crackers have complete market penetration. Kraft would probably not gain enough in incremental sales to cover the cost of the research, design, manufacturing and process updates required for such a venture. Even I will admit that I will not stop buying Graham Crackers even though they make me justifiably crazy. They are just that good.
I'm all for free markets and the gains that competition creates, but sometimes capitalism just misses the point. Japan gets this. Many European countries get this. Fun and useful and thoughtful packaging. Lovely, inspiring presentation that requires so much costly labor and careful handiwork that you have no choice but to stop and appreciate it.