Today was a good day. Got to run in the rain, sit and listen to music with my cat, talk with an old co-worker, and try some new local goodies. All of which felt good.
Running in the rain, I feel wild and boundless, covered in mud. Tunes with feline: I love the way music can pinpoint an emotion the way a smell does. It's like music bends time. Black cat-green eyed friend.
Call from an old co-worker:After this spell of unemployment, it's good to remember the people that you deeply respect and to feel engaged with the outside world again.
Of course treats make me feel good! Today I'm diggin' a local find:
www.thelittleicebox.comDangerously, pre-scooped frozen cookie dough balls. Conveniently packed 14 per pint, in case, um, two of them don't make it to the cookie tray.