Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Set The Pace At Tempo Cycles

Maybe it's the cool breeze coming through the front of the studio as we all sweat our way up Kirk's finely-tuned interval ride. Maybe it's the vibe of the artwork or the soundtrack, at perfect volume, perfect beat, making you wonder if you are in spin class or dancing. Maybe it's Jenny's strength and poise, guiding us through the pilates portion of the class. But hands down, what makes me love Tempo Cycles is the grace of this place. In this studio you feel strong, beautiful, and cared for.

When asked what Jenny wanted her clients to get from their time at Tempo, she said 'confidence' and 'strength'. It's not possible to leave this place without both of these things because you are given such personal focus. Being at Tempo feels more like a spa treatment than a workout. Don't get me wrong, your legs will quake, and you'll be dripping sweat. But Kirk and Jenny's sincere devotion to their clients will leave you feeling pampered.

Reset the pace of your routine by signing up for a class. Try something new. Try something old in a new way. Just get curious and try.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Booty Loves Barre 3

Sadie Lincoln, the founder of Barre 3, is a savvy entrepreneur, a mom, an athlete. Barre 3 is about balance, and focuses on achieving balance through principals from a few different modalities such as yoga, pilates, ballet. Sadie is also catering to a vital group of women in Portland, moms. She's implemented a childcare center on-site, so moms can make room for their fitness routines and even some shopping while down in the Pearl.

What do I love about Barre3?
My booty loves Barre 3. It's seriously getting firmer. I love that it's about experimenting with movement and observing how your body feels with minute adjustments. Such a parallel to life in that, no? We make all these tiny little adjustments that gradually bring us in line with our purpose. I love that at Barre 3 I am in the company of inspiring, beautiful, supportive women. I love the sense of community Sadie has created through her collaboration with other local businesses, and through her incorporation of a childcare center.

Come check her out!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Portlanders fascinate me. They aren't always instantly warm people. Their care is not superficial. They are tireless knowledge seekers. And they are a bit skeptical. I think this is why so many New Yorkers make natural transplants in Portland. New Yorkers are good people, as good as anywhere. But they don't instantly trust. Their first instinct is to try to figure out what your angle is, what you want from them. Portlanders are very similar. They are skeptical. But they aren't skeptical of your motives for them, they are sizing up your motives for good. They truly want a better, greener, more evolved world for all people. They make you want to be human-interested rather than self-interested. They discover and preserve the innate perfection in all living things. To be among Portlanders, you feel a part of some immeasurable shift. You forget yourself. And you want to think BIG.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Move It, Baby

I tend to think that for 99.9% of us, there is no single 'ah-ha' moment that explains it all. It is an accumulation of mini revelations that add up to your truth. And I would guess there is no destination, either. No sum of these revelations that means you have arrived, you are finally brilliant, and enlightened, and perfect. But each ah-ha moment in itself is the truth. A beautiful yoga instructor I had used to say, 'How perfect it is what you are doing. How beautiful it is. Your own right way.' Such simple statements of love and acceptance. This is grace. Meaning, 'In your crooked, inflexible, impatient movements, you are doing. And that is all you need to do.' It took me thirty four years to hear these words, and even then, I only heard them in this hot yoga room. When will I learn to hear them in my writing, on the street, in my thoughts?

Yet when I look back, I am astounded that I am here. I am strong and safe. I am married to a bright and generous man. I have magnificent friends. I have solid professional credentials. I have lived in New York City and I own an apartment there! How did I get here? I certainly wasn't headed here, if left to my own devices. I was headed more for substance abuse and destruction. And I can't say I did some brilliant thing to turn it all around. All I can say is that it was some combination of luck, destiny, and my angels feverishly arranging my good fortune. And to my credit, I listened and I moved. When I began to move, I began to heal. These words slipped out of me the other day when talking to a friend and she said, 'Wait, wait! That's your mantra!' And so it is.

At first I ran. Pretty much as far as I possibly could, and still hold down a full-time job. I ran like a crazy woman who had discovered how to control her weight, her depression, her world. I've never been one for moderation. And somehow, the running got me hooked, hooked on feeling my body, hearing my breath, my heartbeat, my rhythm. Running was my gateway drug. Then came other things, spin, weights, yoga, pilates. All to the max, of course. But enough of it stuck in the right places to work on my head, too. I began to hear my voice with my body. Don't make me explain it, maybe you know what I'm talking about. Like a slow magic, the running, the yoga, it all became more balanced.

So what's the point of this story? Move. Just move. You'll likely do it wrong sometimes, but even the wrong is right. Find the voice in all that busyness. Walk to the grocery store and pick out something colorful, fresh, and extravagant to prepare for yourself. And carry your groceries home with your own arms and legs. Run. Your head doesn't run the first mile, your legs do. Dance. And when you are still, be still. And listen. Your body has a wisdom that will make you strong. And it gets more and more fun the stronger you get.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Portlander's Love Forest Park

Wednesday evening Forest Park hikes are back! 6PM - Wallace Park on Raleigh between 25th and 26th. Fee is $1 for members, $2 for guests, can't beat that for a night out. Check out the event calendar at

Master of the Universe

My problem is that I think anything is possible.